The BKP Blog

Wedding Planning Update: I'm Straight Up Not Having A Good Time

All those romantic comedies lied to us fam. As many of you know, I am getting married this year and have learned the hard way that Wedding Planning is not all champagne and dick straws. There are a multitude of reasons why Wedding Planning sucks and I'm here to raise awareness and help you through!

The OFFICIAL BigKidProblems 2020 Calendar is HERE

No big deal or anything but BIGKIDPROBLEMS HAS AN OFFICIAL 2020 CALENDAR!!! Available in select stores and on Amazon HERE!  This is a collection of some of my all-time favorite #bigkidproblems AND a ton of new exclusive content to keep you chuckling every single day in 2020.

Bring in the roaring 20's right, Ol Sport. Enjoy!!




Mistakes Were Made: Beauty Treatments I Regret

I've tried a lot of different beauty treatments and have a few regrets. Learn from my mistakes and save face (and your wallet)! Here are my top 5 Biggest beauty treatment regrets


Attn Interns! How to Not Blow it this Summer

Oh welcome, you precious little nuggets. I remember my first Summer internship like it was just yesterday..... the first-day "professional" outfits, the coffee runs... the waking up at 9:30am and having the OH F*** IM SUPPOSED TO BE THERE AT 9 panic attacks. #GoodTimes. 

As you embark on your Summer Internship this season, allow me, your 20-something-Sherpa (god, I am really loving that title) to give you some words of wisdom. I promise if you follow these simple steps, you may even land yourself a job at the end of the Summer.

THE List: Free & Cheap Therapy and Meditation Resources

while everyone deserves access to mental healthcare, the truth is, it is not always affordable or accessible. In the Anxiety Episode on the Podcast this week, I promised you a list of free and cheap Therapy & Meditation Apps that can help if you are not ready (or not able) to seek professional help just yet. Here they are!